
I Have a New Phone Number

  • Dear Friends & Family,
  • Now I have a new phone number where you can reach me anytime of day. My new phone number is
  • 1(240) 764-4779.
  • Please use it to call me from now on.

My number is:

1 (240) 764 4779

1 comment:

  1. Howdy!!!!!

    I have seen your photos..... I love them for they are made me wish that i am in those places and see those great sights.......

    Am also glad to know that you are happy!!!!!

    Have a blessed year ahead!!!!!!



Thanks for visiting with me here. Please leave a message for Edgar!

January 26, 2016

Today Ron comes home from his long Vacation. I am so excited for his homecoming that I decided to make an art wall. Lots of meas...