Dear Family and Friends, It's that time of the month to send my well wishes to all once again. I guess we all go about our own lives and I do understand when people do not get in touch. I did get a few e-mails from some old classmates from University days and that was really nice. I got to see some updates and few photos on facebook and friendster of people from my university years whom I have had the pleasure of becoming acquainted with. To all of you I give thanks.
(Thanks to Paul Ellison for the photo he took of me from his last visit to Elko. This is me 35 lbs lighter. Current weight: 135 lbs. I do feel so much better)
I took this on one of those lovely afternoons in Fernie, while I was having coffee and reading an inspiring book from Harv Eker. Did I ever tell you that I have realized that I really love coffee. I drink my coffee black. No sugar added. Just by itself. I love the strong dark roast.
One of these days, I will be able to hang out with any one of you and we could spend some time catching up with our usual intelligent conversations. This time we will have coffee instead of alcohol (like I did with friends and family when I was younger). hahaha.
There is something about these bricks that I find so attractive. Humble, strong, no pretensions or arrogance, beautiful, and present.
Paul took this photo when we went on our 5-hour hiking last Saturday (August 8, 2009). It was a beautiful sunny afternoon in Elko, British Columbia.
Here is another one of those photos from our friend Paul. That's Ron and myself during our hike. Ron's left arm is still bothering him. It's been 5 weeks since his left arm has been giving him some aches and pains.
On our summer walks, It's hard to not appreciate all the beautiful flowers that come out at this time of the year. They come in all sorts of colors - just so beautiful.
One evening, I had gone to Surveyors Lake (which is only about 10 minutes away from home) and decided to read my book there. It was an inspiring delight to become a spectator to laughing children and their parents and to feel in the air the contentment and joy they all shared. It is quite contagious - a beautiful energy.
One afternoon, while I was inside the car on the parking lot waiting for Ron to come back from the store, I noticed this metal artwork from one of the business establishment close-by.
Fill in the blank: ______eguard. hahaha. I like the "sound" of Eguard - sounds a bit like my name. That's the only reason why I took this photo.
The Orange Butterfly. I remember trying to hurry-up getting my camera out of my bag and doing it as quietly as I could so as not to scare the butterfly away. It gave me a few seconds to photograph before it decided to leave me be. Thank you butterfly for teaching me to be calm when I need to. It was a very serene moment in my mind.
This would belong to a bear! Yes! A BEAR! Just the thought of ever encountering one (again) is a bit alarming. But, we kept on. Luckily, we didn't encounter a bear on that afternoon walk!
Purple, Orange and Red....
These are some of my photos for now. I hope you enjoyed them. I send my love to all of you! Big Hugs, Edgar