
June 1-8, 2014

This is the bedroom. This is what I wake up to every morning. 

Our office. Ron's PC is to the right and my Mac is to the left. 

I bought this fabric at Dressew. It was a good way to hide the filing cabinet. Heheheh

Movie Night. 

Coffee in the morning. 

Ron says the pineapple was on sale. 

Gelato one afternoon. 

I love this photo of Ron

I found good use of the plastic dishrack from Dollarama. It holds my iPad and keeps it stable on the floor while I drive. This is how I get around Vancouver.  Without this GPS - driving would be hell! 

Another lovely afternoon - biking with Ron. 

Been advertising my photography services and  this was one of the settings for my clients.  So far all is well. I have been sending out resumes everywhere and I may be working a lot soon. Big hugs to you all and until next update!  

June 8, 2014

Richmond, BC.

Today, I got paid to take photos.

Amen to that! 


June 6, 2014

This was from a lovely family's beautiful home in Maple Ridge.  One of many test shots.  Today I got paid to take some photos.

This was another test shot from maple ridge.

Gone biking in the afternoon with Ron. This was at the Kitsilano Beach, Vancouver.


Hung out at the English Bay and enjoyed the sunshine.


June 5, 2014

 Gone for a walk today.

A landmark in Vancouver

Lots of people out for a walk on this beautiful weather.

The city of Vancouver

Dropped in for a little snack at a coffee shop.

Loved the fabric.

Primary colors by the dock.

Walking the trails.

Stanley park.

Beautiful trees

Lovely summer afternoon

A lecture we attended at the UBC

zzz . Need I say more?

The lecture finally over.


June 4, 2014

Went for a drive to Surrey today. Had a snapshot of a man in Turban.

Went for a drive to scout the area for a client's photo-shoot I was going to do the next day

January 26, 2016

Today Ron comes home from his long Vacation. I am so excited for his homecoming that I decided to make an art wall. Lots of meas...