October 6, 2008 - Monday
I am seeing all these changes happening all around. The Air feels cooler, the leaves are just changing. Summer is really over. That was fast.
October 6, 2008 - Monday
I took this photo after a long day in school. This was taken just a few meters away from home.
Fall Colors in the mountain in Elko. I went on google to find out what this mountain is called , but I see it doesn't seem to have a name. I asked Ron and he said he didn't know either.
October 7, 2008 - Tuesday
After classes today, I had gone to the Tea Shop in Fernie, BC with two of my classmates.

These are my classmates Gina and Victoria. It was nice at the Tea house. I think I will be going there more often. They serve all sorts of coffee and some deli.
This was the view outside. Taken just in front of the College of the Rockies Campus.
October 9, 2008 - Thursday
When I woke up this morning - We had frost. It felt like winter already.
October 9, 2008 - Thursday
The Frost on Ron;s car that morning. This is "Light" frost.
Some Insignificant photos. I finally got my School ID. I'm taking some garcinia Cambogia fruit extract to suppress my appetite. My car has been giving me lot's of headaches lately. 1. Starter Problems, Sensor Problems, Anti-freeze leakage, Brake Problems... what else? Expensive though. By the time I have it all fixed, I should sell it.
October 16, 2008 - Thursday. Decided to go to the Tea house this morning and write my thoughts in a notebook. Some things I need to remember in order for me to focus on things I need to do in my life. Sometimes, we have so much going on In my head, I have to have some quiet moments to sort them all out - without the drama. When that's done , my mind is clutter free and my goals seem so much easier to achieve - my personal dramas all gone. I find moments like this empowers me from inside. Then I feel genuinely happy.
October 17, 2008 - Friday
Ron and I went to Fernie. He needed to buy some hardware supplies for some home projects.
October 17, 2008 - Friday
I had decided to go take a walk today and I had brought Fox with me.
October 17, 2008 - Friday
A change in route had led me to see this view. It looked so much better in real life ofcourse.
October 17, 2008 - Friday
Taking a break?
October 17, 2008 - Friday
We found ourselves on top of Rabbit Mountain that afternoon. Fox and Myself.
I had spent more than an hour just sitting there with Fox. It was so beautiful to be on top of a little mountain, looking at other mountains and being close to the sky. I felt so free and I was able to meditate there too. From here, I send love to the world - and I feel the connection with The Higher Power who had made me.
October 17, 2008 - Friday
Fox and Edgar (And ofcourse the tiny flower that had accidentally become the main focus)
Edgar Lorenzo F. Nievera
Taken on top of Rabbit Mountain
Just a snapshot of some of the mountains i could see from where I was sitting.
Walked back home. - Found Tim was doing some burning.
Although the fire was out of focus. I found that this photo had caught my interest. It's so abstract that It forces me to imagine what else i can see.
Tim's Fire.
My Little Blue Assistant in from of my Old laptop and my little notebook of reminders.
Sunday - October 19 , 2008
Kimberley, BC - Close to Center 64 - Where we were going to be watching a local concert of someone Ron knows.
The Details of that concert.
The Vocalist - Marta. Classical Music.
The Hall - and the Pianist Tim
The Pianist was so good! I wish i could play beautiful music too. (Sorry for the blurr)
With Tim - The Pianist. He did such a great job! Truly gifted!
Fisher Peak. Taken as we were heading to Cranbrook after the Concert.
Marco Polo Restaurant. Ron looks full doesn't he? heheheh. [He just told me I should have written it as "Ron looks full (ALL THE TIME) doesn't he?"]
Having a very short visit with Wilfred too at the Marco Polo Restaurant
My Sister is celebrating her Birthday on October 24. I remembered that this morning. I send my greeting to you ate! Happy Birthday! I wish only for your happiness and empowerment.
October 20, 2008 - Taken this afternoon at around 3:30
A smiling fire Hydrant. If it were not for the falling Leaves and the brightness of the tree - I would never have seen this. But this was just taken around the corner street from where we live. I was walking around that morning, just enjoying the cool air.
October 20, 2008
The neighbors have stacked some firewood for their outdoor wood furnace. They say that having an outdoor wood furnace is cheaper on heating - but just imagine all the work that comes along with it.
My Little blue assistant - helping me express myself. I was referring to the weather. I am perfectly fine and happy. Ron and I were at least able to go out for a wonderful afternoon walk.
Until next time, I hope you enjoyed my e-mail for this time. Sending everyone my Big hugs and love.