Saint Patrick's Day Poster taken at an the Rocky Mountain Village in Fernie.

This is what keeps the residents of the Rocky Mountain Village entertained. The Rocky Mountain Village is a facility for semi-independent living. It's where Frank lives now.

Lime Colored Toque. Toque is a Canadian name for what the manin the photo is wearing on his head.

Who Dat?

A frozen window. This is what frost does to plastic. Isn't beautiful? Nature's design?

This place I think is a Canadian Institution. The place is named after some famous Canadian Hockey Player.

Winter still.

The Mail Boxes. Ron reading stuff on the community "billboard"

The Mountain with no name that I love to photograph.
My latest news for now. I got a message from the College of the Rockies that i won the video contest. 1st place. I won $250 and a $150 value Flip Video. This makes me smile. I have a new toy. I will try and upload some home videos sometime soon. Thanks to everyone who left some comments on the video entry.
That's all for now. Thanks for visiting! Happy Birthday to my Brother Lito and My Daddy Pepito. Happy Birthday Also to Raquel and Qryz. MY nephews In Japan and Philippines, Amor, Roberto, My cousin Michelle Vergara. Love you all.