


The highest reward for a person's toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it.
... John Ruskin

People mistakedly assume that their thinking is done by their head; it is actually done by the heart which first dictates the conclusion, then commands the head to provide the reasoning that will defend it.
... Anthony De Mello

Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.
... Chief Seattle

If you learn from your suffering, and really come to understand the lesson you were taught, you might be able to help someone else who's now in the phase you may have just completed. Maybe that's what it's all about after all...
... Anonymous

People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.
... Elizabeth Kübler-Ross

I keep my ideals, because in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.
... Anne Frank

There are two lasting bequests we can give our children: One is roots. The other is wings.
... Hodding Carter, Jr.

The important thing is not to stop questioning.
... Albert Einstein

In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on.
... Robert Frost

"To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends, toappreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded!"
... Ralph Waldo Emerson

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.
... Helen Keller

You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.
... The Buddha

I have a hard time tolerating Stupidity. But I am not perfect myself. Therefore, despite the fact I see the faults in others, I choose silence - where I can see things in a much better light. If perhaps by chance, I know I can help another see the light, I can only try. If that doesn;t work, I simply let things take it's course, afterall, we all deserve to discover things for ourselves


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8. My Multiply.Com Site
9. My Blogger.Com Site


Your Zodiac Year

Ron and I were at May May's Chinese Smorgasbord in Cranbrook one afternoon this August 2008 when I had found this disposable paper placemat that totally engaged me . It is quite an interesting thing - this Chinese Zodiac. I made a list of all the people whose birth years I know (or think I know), and what Zodiac year they fall under just for fun.

If your name isn't in my list, that means I never got to know what year you were born. So I would really appreciate it if you would leave a note at the end of this post for me so i can constantly "update" my zodiac year notes.

Dragon - Passionate and soft-hearted, but somewhat stubborn. Very Healthy and energetic. You are well suited to the rat, serpent and monkey, but ill-suited to the dog. People I know, born under the year of the Dragon are:
  • Joann
  • Christopher Balawan
  • Joselito Nievera
  • Tryan
  • Marlon Joson
  • Nats Antineu
  • Almira Floresca
  • Auntie Eliza
  • Normandy Laureta
  • Vlad Cordero
  • Jack Abner
  • Daryl Nelson

Snake: Very strong and very strong willed, Physically beautiful, yet vain and high tempered. The Ox, Rooster and the dragon are fine, but the tiger and the pig will bring trouble. People I know born under the year of the Snake are:

  • Qyle
  • Maricor
  • Raven
  • Khryzzy Lizette
  • Dante
  • Estephany (my cousin)
  • Raquel
  • Mon Bunglay
  • Nikka Antonio
  • Ruben Jong Sales Jr.
  • Ethel Placido
  • Linda Raymundo
  • Conrad
  • Bartley

Extremely popular as you are attractive, cheerful, friendly and flattering to others whose company you seek. Seek the tiger, dog and ram but beware of the rat. My list for those born under the year of the Horse are:

  • Rossini
  • Claire
  • Willy Alangui
  • Vern
  • Jeannette
  • Rhederick
  • Bernadette
  • Lola Andrea
  • Charito Hizon
  • Ron Fisher
  • Tim Benson
  • Paul Ellison

Sheep - Elegant and artistically creative, yet timid or puzzled. You seek the guidance of others. Seek the hare, pig or horse, and avoid the ox and the dog. My list includes:

  • Marcel
  • Roberto
  • Sam Espiritu
  • Manuel Galvez
  • Lola Elvira
  • Demi Valdez
  • Buddy Huffana
  • Aunty Lynn
  • Ben Floresca
  • Clarence
  • CiaCia
  • Jason Orejudos
  • Marianne Bello
  • John Andrew (my brother)
  • Ping-Ping

Year of the Monkey List: Clever and Skillful to the point of genius, practical and given to detail, you generally have a low opinion of others. Your best relationships are with the dragon, rat and ram, and worse are with the tiger.

  • Rosie Sia
  • Karen (From Yes FM)
  • Auntie Sipin
  • Lovejoy Umaguin
  • Adrienne
  • Ate Imee
  • Norman Degsi
  • Raquel So
  • Cory Muir
  • Mae Castro
  • Jerry Palmeda
  • Joyvette Astudillo
  • Eric Fisher

Year of the Cock: You are directed to work and seek knowledge, A pioneer who tends to be selfish and lonely, choose the Ox, Serpent or Dragon, never the hare.

  • Abby Lagman Zegar
  • Abet Pascual
  • Filamer Kabigting
  • Matthew Wong
  • Banjo
  • Emma Ruth
  • Cherylynne
  • Ping-ping's Hubby

Tiger: Talented and affectionate, yet shy, you work well with people and do well in business. Most compatible with the ram, pig and dog.Least compatible with the ram and rooster

  • Qryz
  • Carol D.
  • Michelle
  • Ferdinand Gonzales
  • Ericson
  • Steve Cacayorin
  • Luke Farrell
  • Chit Joson
  • Octavia
  • Emmeline
  • Wildred Nieva

Aggressive, Courageous, sensitive, and considerate, yet short-tempered often entering into conflict with others. For happiness seek the horse, Dragon or Dog, and leave both serpent and monkey be.

  • Edgar Lorenzo F. Nievera
  • Beth Gayo Antonio
  • Rogo A.
  • Norman Barnachea
  • Kaye
  • Mei Cerezo Popcom
  • Annie Calimquim
  • Annie Donato
  • Julieann
  • Douglas
  • Doyet
  • James
  • Keith Phares
  • Auntie Angie Lagman
  • Godffrey D.
  • Scott Katafias
  • Jane Tillay
  • Beverly
  • Amor
  • Percylyn Pagnas
  • Erille
  • Carmen Ramirez
  • Jerro Alcrish
  • Mike Derksen

The Dog - Loyal and Honest, you are generous and work well with others though are sometimes critical. You are well suited to the horse, the tiger and the hare, and ill-suited to Dragon and ram.

  • Elmer
  • Marney
  • Timmy
  • Noel Paulino
  • Roy Lagman
  • Ivan Rey
  • Joe Agendroit
  • Helen Ledesma
  • Lolo Alfonso
  • Chit De Guzman
  • Guillermo Baniqued
  • Arlene
  • Jong-jong

Gallant and chivlrous, you have great inner strength and make few but lasting friendships. Choose the hare, ram or horse and avoid the serpent.

  • Donna Floresca
  • Joe Vitale
  • Marvinn Antonio
  • Selda Areola
  • Kelvin
  • Pio Salvador
  • Francis
  • Chito Palomo
  • Augusto Liwliw
  • Elmer carlos
  • Jeff Sibayan
  • Jerome B.
  • Josie F.
  • Auntie Getty
  • Nicole
  • Donato V.

Ambitious, Honest, Sincere, Generous, and able to maintain self control but often find it difficult tomaintain lasting friendships. Your best will be with the dragon, Monkey and Ox, and worse with the horse.

  • Mike Cruz
  • My dad Pepito
  • Mr. GUizon
  • Auntie Reming
  • Jay Lagman
  • Demi
  • Satty Lumbag
  • Malen

Bright and patient. You are a good listener but disdainful of failure. You are attracted to the serpent, rooster and rat, and should avoid the Ram.

  • Edith
  • monching
  • Ayvan james vergara
  • Leah Luna
  • III Daganay
  • Lola Francisca Agaat

The Joy Luck Club

I got stuck watching TV tonight. Thankfully, It was a great one! "The Joy Luck Club" is a very touching film about the lives of 8 Chinese women and how their journeys have all intertwined and have influenced each other. A movie that highlights the best part of mother-daughter relationship.

The plot was wonderfully woven and It had given the movie it's solid foundation. It's strength is to be found not just in the excellent and convincing portrayal of the actors, and artistic (yet effective) cinematography, but how as a viewer, one cannot stop watching. Something is always happening. The story line was pretty fast, yet precise and clear you will not get bored if you had started the movie from the very beginning.

What I like about this film is that it shows the plot from a much deeper perspective. The movie had successfully shown not just what happens as they happen, but shows you what actually goes on inside the minds and the heart, and best of all the "soul" of each of the major protagonists in the film.

Truly an excellent movie. I highly recommend it to everyone. The cast and crew certainly did a wonderful job and created a tresure that will always shine in many years to come.

My Hometown

All About Baguio City, Philippines - My Hometown

Baguio Insider
Baguio Midland Courier
Zig Zag

Photographs of Baguio City:
I Love Baguio The Baguio Gallery

Social Groups:
Baguio People in Friendster


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January 26, 2016

Today Ron comes home from his long Vacation. I am so excited for his homecoming that I decided to make an art wall. Lots of meas...