
April 1-16, 2014

Ron and I went out for lots of walk around the seawall and Stanley park. It is beautiful here in Vancouver. 

Ron wanted new appliances. So we got rid of the old fridge and the ancient stove. We had to have electrical work done for the new stove to be plugged in. 

New appliances now installed. Now this kitchen has our stamp in it. 

New Fridge, New Stove, New Microwave, New Toaster. 

We thought we would like an artwork on this wall - but the feel was not what we were looking for.  It clashed with the other work of art we already have in the living room. 30 minutes within buying this piece, we returned it. 

A window washer came to clean windows for the building. 

Ron and I decided we both loved this color on the Dining room wall. 

I start the paint work. I was nervous. I had worrries that the color might be too strong. But we take the risk. 

very nice earthy color. Very delicious color. 

First layer of paint. I am worried. It looks concerning. It was uneven. 

The color came out perfectly after 3 coats of paint. It was night time by the time I was done. 

This is the dining room wall the next day. Ron and I loved it. 


  1. Thank you for updating us with what has been going on with your life : )

  2. Wow. The mirrors sure make the room bigger. Very nice.


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January 26, 2016

Today Ron comes home from his long Vacation. I am so excited for his homecoming that I decided to make an art wall. Lots of meas...