TV wall unit needed to be installed to the wall. We needed storage - so this was a very good place to put it. Thanks to Handyman Shawn, we are able to get it up there without hurting ourselves.
The upper part of the wall unit finally installed onto the wall. Yey! We are all so happy! A little bit of improvement gets us closer to the comfortable home Ron and I both want to have.
Ron and I now have an office installed. We have our computers next to each other in the living room. This was the only place we thought would make us feel comfortable working in inside the apartment.
Finally assembled the TV wall unit and the TV set in place. Now it really feels like things are all coming together. All we ned now is a sofa and coffee table.
I imagined the mirror there before. Now it is reality and up and installed onto the wall. It helps make our small apartment feel bigger and also helps brighten up the place.
Next step. Ron decided he will not do a major reno on the kitchen. So the solution was to get this Buffet piece of furniture. I assembled it. Very heavy piece of furniture. We needed orange arm lifts to move it into place
You see that wall? That's where the buffet furniture piece will go.
Wish I had taken a better photo but these were all from my iPhone. By this time we now have dining chairs, and dining table. Next step was to get a sofa and some living room furniture. I think perhaps that wall needs color. I might paint it something vibrant. The contrast is a bit too much - almost clinical. I didn't like that - so that has to change.
At the end of the month our sofabed was delivered! The furniture store even added throw pillows in for free! So happy! Now we have a living room! A truly functional living room! Yipee!
Small living room, but very functional now.
Having a bit of a walk way area behind the sofa would make our small living room easier to move in.
Our dining room area. Next time, I will make sure to tidy up before taking photos. Hopefully next time it would look a bit more improved.
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