
August 3, 2013

Waking up early in Vancouver. I feel so content. I am happy. 

Just a simple breakfast. Black Coffee. A bit of salad and a boiled egg. 

The Sandman Suite

Taken at a Vancouver Bar's back porch. 

Ron and Tim posing with Kerry's Costume. 

The view from our room. 

Watching fireworks from the balcony, I had take multiple exposures (I was experimenting  with the settings of my camera). When I reviewed the sequence of photos, I saw what looked like smoke, cloth fly in front of me and fly away to the trees below and up to the buildings.  It was a ghostly entity that flew in front of the balcony of the hotel where we were staying at the 15th floor in Vancouver while I was trying to capture fireworks. I never saw it in real time because it blended so well, but when I was going through each frame I realised it was not smoke. It was not a reflection. It was an entity! and it was alive from how it moved! I still have goosebumps!!! Yikes!

Crowds leaving after the fireworks display was over. 

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January 26, 2016

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